The primary field is taking shape, and it's now time for Northfield Township Republicans to make our endorsements. Be sure you pay your membership dues, and then join us at our endorsement session at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 11 at Hackney's on Lake, 1514 E. Lake Ave., Glenview. At 6:30, we will hear from the candidates (or the respective campaigns' designated representatives), starting with the governor's race. All candidates who are on the Republican primary ballot have been invited to the event.
After we hear from the candidates, we will then vote on our preferred candidates. A 60 percent vote is required to gain our endorsement. In races with more than two candidates, we will hold a second ballot with the top two vote recipients if a 60% vote was not achieved on the first ballot.
You need to be a member in good standing of the Northfield Township Republican Organization. After May 6, memberships are open only to Northfield Township residents at $100 per individual.
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