Donald Trump's RNC Speech: Accepting the 2024
Nomination of the Republican National Convention
Join us on Thursday at Whiskey River Bar & Grill for HAPPY HOUR (5:30pm) & then we'll walk over to the office to witness President Donald J. Trump's acceptance speech
We're inviting all Northfield Township Republicans to come together on Thursday to support and cheer on President Trump and watch his 2024 RNC nomination acceptance speech. It should be one for the ages! Join the Northfield Republicans at Whiskey River Bar & Grill beginning at 5:30pm, as we enjoy each other's conversation, camaraderie and anticipation over a beer, a glass of wine or your favorite cocktail!
We're going to celebrate the nomination of the Republican Party's standard bearer, Donald J Trump, 45th President of the United States and likely 47th President, along with his family and our new vice-presidential nominee and their family, as Republicans everywhere welcome him to the stage at Milwaukee's Fiserv Forum to accept his third nomination for President of the United States!
Come join us at Whiskey River Bar & Grill, 1850 Waukegan Road in Glenview - and then over to our Northfield GOP HQ a few steps away - to watch the closing festivities of the RNC, beginning with President Trump's speech!
While it's not required to RSVP to this event - we get it, plans change - please do your best to let us know (Rsvp) if you're planning to attend, as we can notify the establishment of the number of folks we'll be bringing in.
We'll see you at Whiskey River!
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